Sergey Brin, Larry Page: TWO angels sent by God to fight the battle of Armageddon

Jan 14, 2017

Trump inauguration, largest genocide ever: martial law explained 2008 still in google

Jan 14, 2017 - Unbelievable but true:
6 Days before what is now the most probable date for the start of the BIG BANG:
If you google what is now in numbers the largest genocide ever then the title of one of the first results is what's going to happen now:
Osama steps on stage to help Obama step down, from Oct 14, 2008, at unexplained-mysteries forums, where the TRUTH was banned in 2009.
the actor playing "billionaire Trump" will only be impeached AFTER the inauguration (or simply as president-elect if there's no inaguration at all, alias martial law and Obama's presidency extended).
Why? For the very same reason that Illuminati Grand Master Alexander Adolf Hitler had to:
- change "McCain beats Hillary only to be stripped" to "McCain beats Obama only to be stripped" months before the 2008 election
- change it again to "Obama beats McCain only to be stripped not only of his senator but also of his president title" in October, before the 2008 election.

And the reason is
Nobody would show at an inauguration of McCain Jan 2009 (same as "Romney" alias Richard Jenkins Jan 2013), let alone Hillary Clinton at any date.
To what extent rigging elections goes: Hillary had her votes multiplied by exactly 100 (to push the mockery to the utter limits) at the NY primaries 2016.

How is this possible?
How is it possible that what's going to happen now was explained in 2008 and echoed by NOBODY except Kyoon ever since?
Because of the Laws of End Times Reductionism.
Reminder: no need to mention additionally End Times Computers because they are implied by one of these Laws.

The rest of the top ten (first google page of other results)
It includes results from other forums that totally banned the TRUTH long ago after it was possible to post parts of it, a decade ago.
The first 9 results appear because they include Last Prophet's words.
The title of the first three pages is directly related to the query:
- #1: Mass Murder of Sick Elderly and Disabled Upscaled to "Unproductive". From 2005 at sciforums, banned 2007. 
- #2: Illuminati upscale mass murder ... - beyond hospitals and homes. From 2005, at engforum.pravda, still posting.
- #3: Hitler's Elimination of unproductive in 1935 = ongoing Globalist's Death with Dignity. From 2009, at christianforums, banned 2012.

The order in which the results appear and which results Google is not allowed to display depends on the user location.
In this Germany based archiving service, used to preserve a snapshot as of today,
... what's going to happen now appears in the second page, in second place (or #12 out of a total of 14 results)

Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes 
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Contrast the very last thing Hitler's oldest daughter, "billionaire Trump" and "socialist Sanders" would say:

Because the Illuminati Grand Master was forced to postpone it for 8 years:
the BIG BANG includes now not only the resurrection of Obama Bin Laden crucified to the missing Boeing 777 but also this possible preliminary: martial law and Obama's presidency extended.
Obama Bin Laden resurrection: FINAL COUNTDOWN: 2016 and 3 weeks beyond: perfect 6666 matrix after 6 failed Easter Sundays

2012 - Disarm the US citizens - the ONE and ONLY task that still must be completed in the US and EU, ever since systemic collapse in July 2007.
The changes in script ever since show 
- how weak the illuminati are;
- how totally brainwashed the human cattle is, allowing the illuminati, despite their weakness, to transport them to the slaughterhouse.

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