Psy-op 6 of top 8 porn-searching countries are Muslim, lead by Pakistan, capital Cairo: exposed
Pakistan media spreading lies, alias illuminati puppets acting as suicide bombers:
"Pakistan tops list of most porn-searching countries: Google".
Why does the the psy-op have Cairo as #1 city?
Answer: search for Egypt at: Illuminati puppet governments: Russia; USA; EU; Iran; Ukraine; North Korea - Typology
Reductionism: that page also exposes why pakistan media, totally controlled by gov, is spreading this disinfo.
According to the data released by Google, Pakistan tops the list of most porn-searching countries and leads the way in porn searches for animals like pigs, donkeys, dogs, cats and snakes, news website Salon reported on Thursday.
It further revealed that six of the top eight porn-searching countries were Muslim states.
The country at number two in the list was Egypt, while Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Turkey came in at numbers four, five, seven and eight, respectively.
Fake press release. Here are the real results if you search on Google trends about these “sex” related keywords:
Reductionism: it also exposes the psy-op "increase of interest in gays".
Illuminati puppet governments Typology
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