Sergey Brin, Larry Page: TWO angels sent by God to fight the battle of Armageddon

Jul 23, 2009

Chrome OS fights Windows BIG BROTHER by Microsoft

Chrome OS: finally an alternatve to BIG BROTHER
Sergey Brin, Larry Page: TWO angels sent by God to fight the battle of Armageddon
Angelic Google announces Chrome OS, the ultimate weapon in the end time computers front of the final battle.
In other words: finally an operating system not designed to serve the CIA BIG BROTHER.
Paradoxically freedom fighters get this weapon from angelic Google to be used in the final battle of information, as we are already in illuminati overtime.

Note: Illuminati controlled Wikipedia will obviously not mention the real reason why Chrome OS sets a milestone.

Jul 10, 2009 - Google announce Chrome OS & Phorm fails with BT

Chrome OS is an operating system designed by Google and based upon the Linux kernel.

How MICROCIOFT SPY Algorithm exactly works was revealed in 2003 by Prophet - but who echoed it?

illuminati overtime
